About Us

Family Net is an independent provincial network that provides a provincial voice for children and youth with special needs, adults with developmental disabilities and their families.

We present the issues and concerns of these children, adults and their families to the Ministry of Children and Family Development and other relevant ministries, agencies and organizations. For a complete history visit the history page.

We influence how supports and services for children and youth with special needs, adults with developmental disabilities and their families are planned, provided and delivered. We network with each other and with the community at large regarding relevant and emerging issues affecting us.


Our friend, and former Board Member, Cathy Grant (pictured above) passed away in February 2019. 

Cathy was an amazing person. She faced down many challenges in her life while retaining her optimism, friendly attitude and unending spunk. A formidable advocate for herself and for others, Cathy lived on her own terms – independently and with dignity – enjoying her life as she chose.

Everyone who knew and loved her will miss her terribly, but will be comforted in the knowledge that she made a difference in the lives of people with disabilities, demonstrating every day what community living really means, and living her life to the full.